We Help People Run Free From Pain – WITHOUT Resting, Advising Expensive Trainers Or Using Painkillers
“Do you have that niggling feeling?
The kind which you’ve tried to “run off” but it keeps coming back? Or worse, are you experiencing pain that is stopping you from running and you are not making any progress with getting back to training?
When you are injured and unable to do the thing you love (and which I love!) which is to run freely without pain and without fear of injury things can feel quite bleak..
…ESPECIALLY if you are training for an event which you had planned months in advance and were looking forward to completing.
The trouble is that most GP’s (and even qualified physios) advise rest far too easily. Only 5% of my patients need to rest from running. This is because often problems are due to a movement or training error which can be easily identified and corrected.
If You Would Like A Diagnosis, A Specialised PERSONAL Treatment Plan, Hands-On Treatment To Soothe And Reduce Stiffness, And Want To Get Back To Running Free From Pain, And Exercising Safely Then I Can Help…
Here is a list of common problems we treat:
- Shin splints
- Calf Pain
- Knee pain
- Hip pain
- Low back pain
- Plantar fasciitis
- Foot/toe pain
- Achilles Tendinopathy
- Hamstring injuries
- Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome
For a lot of my running patients, they put off seeing the doc or the physio because they are worried about being told to rest…
… Let’s start with just a chat on the phone first and go from there.
Edward Thompson (Founder of Instant Physio)