If you understand that there is no silver bullet life becomes a lot easier.
This is a lesson about patience.
Everyday we are bombarded with people who claim to have “the silver bullet”.
“If you can just do this one stretch and buy my hip mobility course all of your back problems will go away!”
In reality that isn’t the case.
History has numerous examples of this.
Nelson Mandela who spent 27 years in prison before he started to make his impact on the world.
Davina McCaunt who had a difficult start to life and managed to take the many (many) numerous steps to make her life a success against all the odds.
And one of our patients that me and Steve were helping a few years ago.
Me or Steve would see him and say something like “he said he’s still not better yet and can still feel his shoulder pain”.
“He’s very fixated on it and is worried it will never go away”.
Between us, we knew we were doing the right things and that he should make progress but over a longer period of time than he thought despite explaining this to him.
On his last session he came into see Steve and said “it’s gone!”
What we learned from that experience was the importance of educating our patients about what to expect and doing everything we can to show patients how their progress will look.
It’s the same with Instant Physio.
At times, it seems as though people see that things are going well and we are growing and wish they could start and grow a business.
But it has taken an unbelievable amount of work and continues to, which I love by the way.
You can’t have the rainbow without the rain.
I will finish with this.
Among the maaany metaphors we like to use at Instant Physio we have started to use this one for our shoulder pain patients (which notoriously can take a long time to improve).
A bamboo spends the first 5 years of its life growing under ground.
Then over a period of 6 weeks it shoots up into a fully sized bamboo plant.
Overnight success? There is no such thing (except oasis who did seem to wake up one day and have a number 1 album).