“I think it’s my posture…” I hear this a lot in the treatment room. From professional footballers, to busy Mums, to the over 80’s. As a physio you refer to the scientific research to see if there is any evidence on posture with things like back pain. The...
When back pain makes it hard to enjoy a walk out with friends, or prevents you from being able to enjoy a stroll with your partner it can be very frustrating. For a lot of my patients, being able to walk around with friends for the afternoon without their back hurting...
Travelling for work or pleasure with back pain can be a nightmare. A lot fo the time, the things you have to do involve long periods of sitting, lifting, and sleeping in uncomfortable hotel beds. If you work involves lots of travel or if your going on holiday this...
When you’ve got back pain and you want to get back in to some regular exercise you want to be sure you are not going to make anything worse. The good news is that exercising is proven to help improve your recovery and reduce pain. Patients often ask: “What is safe to...