When do I need to see a physio for my knee pain

When do I need to see a physio for my knee pain

A common question that I recieve is “when do I need to see a physio about my knee?” The truth is you can see a physio at any time, but my view is that if you’ve had a problem for a while and it keeps coming back, it’s a sign that something is wrong. A physiotherapy...
3 Quick Tips to Relieve Knee Pain

3 Quick Tips to Relieve Knee Pain

If you’re fed up of knee pain and sick and tired of not being able to be active, here are 3 tips to give you some quick wins and hopefully give you some relief from your knee pain. Use a Knee Support The first tip is using a knee support, some people think that a knee...
The Top 5 Reasons to Stay Active During Lockdown

The Top 5 Reasons to Stay Active During Lockdown

Being under a national lockdown is a challenging time for us all. We’re missing our normal fitness routines, spending time with loved ones and much more. With the new government guidance, we must stay at home unless there is a valid reason not to be, unless we are...
The Top 5 Tips for New Years Training Plans

The Top 5 Tips for New Years Training Plans

With the New Year now under-way, many of us will be thinking about the changes we want to make to start the year afresh! For many of us this will be increasing how much we exercise we are doing. This deliberation may have been taking place for some time or could be an...