The Top 5 Tips for New Years Training Plans

The Top 5 Tips for New Years Training Plans

With the New Year now under-way, many of us will be thinking about the changes we want to make to start the year afresh! For many of us this will be increasing how much we exercise we are doing. This deliberation may have been taking place for some time or could be an...
The Deadlift Vs. The Dadlift: One Way Dads Can Overcome Back Pain

The Deadlift Vs. The Dadlift: One Way Dads Can Overcome Back Pain

A lot changes when you become a Dad in particular, the demands placed on the body. Priorities change and taking care of yourself can take a back seat while your new beacon of joy keeps you busier than you could ever imagine. It is quite common for back pain to creep...
Does Your Knee Sound Like A Christmas Cracker? Read this

Does Your Knee Sound Like A Christmas Cracker? Read this

“My knee sounds like snap, crackle and pop!” – patient at Instant Physio 2019 In the treatment room, this question comes up a lot… “Why does my knee click?” Knee clicking causes worry and fear in people and can lead to avoiding...
Stress & Injury: 5 Easy Ways To Deal With Stress

Stress & Injury: 5 Easy Ways To Deal With Stress

We tend to think of stress as being all in our head, and with the right mind-set, we can shrug it off without any harm done. This is partly true, as it is a mental and emotional response to a problem, but the stress itself can have a big impact on your body. We now...
6 Steps To Returning To Sport Following Injury

6 Steps To Returning To Sport Following Injury

Someone called the clinic the other day and asked this: “How long does it take to get back to training after an injury?… …I hurt my knee a month ago, and want to know how long it’ll take me to get back to running. It’s frustrating not knowing if it’s safe to get back...