6 Steps To Returning To Sport Following Injury

6 Steps To Returning To Sport Following Injury

Someone called the clinic the other day and asked this: “How long does it take to get back to training after an injury?… …I hurt my knee a month ago, and want to know how long it’ll take me to get back to running. It’s frustrating not knowing if it’s safe to get back...
5 Tips For “Knee Pain” After The Hottest Weekend Of 2019

5 Tips For “Knee Pain” After The Hottest Weekend Of 2019

We’ve had a number of our patients emailing in this morning complaining of knee pain after this weekend. It is true that people are 76% more active with warmer weather and in London this normally means games on the park, dancing at a festival or long days out....
8 Ways To Reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

8 Ways To Reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

We’ve all had it… That moment you wake up in the morning after your first session back exercising. You tentatively walk down the stairs feeling like your muscles aren’t going to carry you on account of the severe muscle pain in your thighs. For a brief period...
5 Things To Do Tomorrow Morning To Make Sure You Start The Day Right

5 Things To Do Tomorrow Morning To Make Sure You Start The Day Right

Do you ever wake up and feel like it’s going to be a slow start or that you are going to feeling ‘groggy’ for the rest of the day? Or feel like until it gets to about 11am you don’t want to talk to anyone or do much?! Well, it turns out that there are some...
5 Ways To Start Running (even if you’ve never ran before)

5 Ways To Start Running (even if you’ve never ran before)

“Running is bad for your knees”. I hear this all the time. For some people, this is true. But for the majority, running is proven to reduce rates of knee arthritis. So if running is good for you then what are you waiting for? Often people don’t know where...
7 Ways To Avoid Back Pain While Gardening

7 Ways To Avoid Back Pain While Gardening

If you have back pain which ‘flares up’ with certain activities like hoovering, gardening or driving for long periods then you are not alone. This week a number of our clients have been emailing with questions about how to garden back pain free. Raking the leaves,...