5 Costly Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To End Back Pain

5 Costly Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To End Back Pain

One of the most common things I hear in the treatment room is “I wish I had seen a specialist earlier”! With years of experience in ending back pain I am never surprised by what some people have tried when attempting to end their back pain before coming to see me. To...
10 Reasons Why Managing Stress Better Will Ease Your Back Pain

10 Reasons Why Managing Stress Better Will Ease Your Back Pain

f stress was an object, something you could pick up and hold, take a photo of and see with your own eyes people would pay more attention to it. Carrying excess body weight or not putting sun cream on and getting sunburnt is a far more obvious and easy to spot health...
3 Tips For Easing Back Pain Naturally Without Taking Painkillers

3 Tips For Easing Back Pain Naturally Without Taking Painkillers

Back pain can come out of the blue sometimes. You can be going about your daily business one minute, and the next be experiencing extreme back pain! A huge amount of stress and limitation is put on what you can do when this happens. Typically people will do one of two...
The World’s Best Way To Sit For Your Back

The World’s Best Way To Sit For Your Back

We live in a world where more and more jobs are desk based. Sitting goes against how we evolved as humans. Keeping it to a minimum is proven to have the best effect on back pain when compared with sitting with good posture. However, sitting with good posture takes...
The 5 Best Things To Do In London If You Didn’t Have Back Pain

The 5 Best Things To Do In London If You Didn’t Have Back Pain

The most diverse and exciting place on earth! From proms in the park to cat cafes London truly has something for everyone. At any time of year you can expect to be intrigued by what London has to offer. Soaked in history, filled with gastronomical adventures of all...